Topical Group on Statistical and Non Linear Physics Real Sociedad Espa�ola de Física imagen1 Structure of the beta-amiliod protein, responsible of degenerative diseases of the nervous system such as Parkinson and sclerosis. imagen2 Vectorial and scalar topological defects in the vector complex Ginzburg-Landau equation. Vectorial defects are surrounded by large domains while scalar defects accumulate at domain borders. imagen3 Exitable chemical reaction in a fluid stirred by a chaotic open flow. The figure shows the activator spatial distribution from a computer simulation of the process. When leaving the system, the substance traces filaments on top of the 'unstable manifold of the chaotic saddle', a fractal region produced by the fluid flow. imagen4 Complex networks allow us to represent the interactions in a complex system. For the brain functional network displayed in the figure, nodes represent small voxels of the brain, while the links indicate when two voxels are related functionally.  


III Congreso de Física Estadística '90, Badajoz, May 1990
