FisEs '12
XVIII Congreso de Física Estadística
Palma, Mallorca. 18-20 de octubre de 2012
Conferencias invitadas
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Libro de resúmenes
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A continuación se muestra la lista de paneles admitidos, ordenados alfabéticamente por apellidos del primer autor:
Modeling dynamical T-cell cross-regulation in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
Elena Abad
, Sara M. Pasamar, Nieves de Mendizábal, Pablo Villoslada y Jordi García-Ojalvo.
Flocking and coherence emergence on active particle suspensions.
Francisco Alarcón Oseguera
, Ignacio Pagonabarraga Mora.
A phase-field approach to actin-based motility of lamellar fragments
Sérgio A. Lira
, Carles Blanch-Mercader, Jaume Casademunt.
Experimental free energy measurements of kinetic molecular states using fluctuation theorems
Anna Alemany
, Alessandro Mossa, Ivan Junier, Felix Ritort.
Transition State Susceptibility in Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy
Anna Alemany
, Felix Ritort.
El efecto ratchet en la partícula relativista
Renato Alvarez-Nodarse
, Jose A. Cuesta, N. R. Quintero.
Modelo con retardo temporal para la infección por Hantavirus
José María Aparicio Reinoso
, Javier de la Rubia.
Ordinal time-series analysis of low-frequency fluctuations in semiconductor lasers with optical feedback
Andrés Aragoneses Aguado
, Nicolás Rubido, Taciano sorrentino, Maria Carme Torrent, Cristina Masoller.
Collective modes of coupled phase oscillators with delayed coupling
Saúl Ares
, Luis G. Morelli, David J. Jörg, Andrew C. Oates, Frank Jülicher.
Optimal oscillator mobility for synchronization arising from the gradual recovery of oscillator coupling
Saúl Ares
, Koichiro Uriu, Andrew C. Oates, Luis G. Morelli.
Estados hidrodinámicos no estacionarios en el flujo longitudinal uniforme de un gas granular. Cumulantes y función de distribución
Antonio Astillero
, Andrés Santos.
Avalanches in the 3D-Gaussian Random Field Ising Model
Jordi Baró
, Eduard Vives.
Structure and fluctuations of adsorbed liquid films closed to a first order wetting transition
Jorge Benet
, Luis G. MacDowell, Eva M. Fernández, Enrique Chacón, Pedro Tarazona.
Collective migration of cells in spreading epithelia
Carles Blanch-Mercader
, Jaume Casademunt.
Free energy calculations of molecular inclusions in short capped nanotubes: Targeted molecular Dynamics and Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Calculations
C. Bores
, E. Lomba, H. Dodzyuk, T. Korona.
Theoretical study of the H-NMR relaxation times in aqueous ionic solutions
Carles Calero
, Elvira Guàrdia, Jordi Martí.
Force Fields Parametrization of Ion-Water Interactions via the Force Matching Algorithm
Ausias-March Calvo
, Marco Masia, Elvira Guàrdia.
Affinity measurements of ligands binding nucleic acids using fluctuation theorems
J. Camunas-Soler
, A. Alemany, I. Tinoco Jr., F. Ritort.
Unraveling the kinetics of aggregation of single peptide-DNA complexes using force spectroscopy
J. Camunas-Soler
, S. Frutos, C.V. Bizarro, S. de Lorenzo,M.E. Fuentes-Perez, R. Ramsch, S. Vilchez, C. Solans, F. Moreno-Herrero, F. Albericio, R. Eritja, E. Giralt, S.B. Dev, F. Ritort.
Estocasticidad y exclusión competitiva en comunidades ecológicas
José A. Capitán
, Sara Cuenda, José A. Cuesta, David Alonso.
The role of noise and initial conditions in the asymptotic solution of a continuous opinion dynamics model
Adrián Carro
, Raúl Toral, Maxi San Miguel.
Stochastic resonance and diversity in an agent-based herding model
Adrián Carro
, Raúl Toral, Maxi San Miguel.
Shape and motility of actin fragments
Jaume Casademunt
, Carles Blanch-Mercader.
Phase diagram of a single magnetic filament in bulk, an approach via numerical simulations and theory.
Joan J. Cerdà
, Pedro A. Sànchez, Tomas Sintes.
Compressible cell gas models and Yang-Yang critical anomalies
Claudio A. Cerdeiriña
, Gerassimos Orkoulas, Michael E. Fisher.
Statisical features of the global velocity of imbibition fronts in disordered media
Xavier Clotet
, Stéphane Santucci, Jordi Ortín.
Adler synchronization of spatial laser solitons pinned by defects
Pere Colet
, P.V. Paulau, C. McIntyre, Y. Noblet, N. Radwell, W.J. Firth, T. Ackemann, G.-L. Oppo.
Phase Noise Performance of Double-Loop Optoelectronic Microwave Oscillators
Pere Colet
, Romain Modeste Nguimdo, Yanne K. Chembo, Laurent Larger .
Clustering of random scale-free networks
Pol Colomer de Simón
, Marián Boguñá.
Delay identification in semiconductor lasers with optical feedback
Miguel C. Soriano
, Romain Modeste Nguimdo, Pere Colet.
Brownian dynamics and dynamic Monte Carlo simulations of isotropic and liquid crystal phases of anisotropic colloidal particles: a comparative study
Alejandro Cuetos
, Alessandro Patti.
Spatiotemporal Bounded Noises in the Ginzburg-Landau model
Sebastiano de Franciscis
, Alberto d'Onofrio.
Métodos de discretización para ecuaciones fluctuantes
J. A. de la Torre
, P. Español, D. Duque.
Unified model for thermal transport in bulk, thin films and nanowires
C. de Tomas
, A. Cantarero, A. Lopeandia, F.X. Alvarez.
Detecting long-range teleconnections in the climate network via ordinal pattern time-series analysis
Juan Ignacio Deza
, Marcelo Barreiro, Cristina Masoller.
Cosecha de energía de espectro amplio con osciladores alineales monoestables: mejora con potenciales de paredes finitas y ruidos tipo Lévy
Roberto R. Deza
, J. Ignacio Deza, Horacio S. Wio.
Los parámetros mecánicos de la Membrana controlan la Fisión mediada por Dinamina
Luis Dinis
, S.Morlot, V.Galli, M.Klein, J.Manzi, F.Humbert,M.Lenz, G.Capello, A.Roux.
Colapso gravitatorio y descomposición espinodal: ¿es lo mismo?
Alvaro Domínguez
The meaning of niche: Cause or consequence of food-web structure?
Virginia Domínguez-García
, Sam Johnson, Miguel A. Muñoz.
Nonlinear methods in modified gravities and the corresponding cosmologies
Emilio Elizalde
Modeling the interaction of DNA with Terahertz fields
Fernando Falo
, Jesús Bergues, Ana Elisa Bergues-Pupo.
Trees as representation of human-like adaptive systems
Miguel Angel Fernandez
, Hector Corte, Elka Korutcheva.
Interdependent choices, individual preferences and social influence
Ana Fernández del Río
, Elka Korutcheva, Javier de la Rubia.
Characterization of delay propagation in the airport network
P Fleurquin
, J.J Ramasco, V M. Eguiluz, M. San Miguel.
Mercados Internacionales de Comercio: una analogía con las redes mutualistas
Maximiliano Fernández
, Javier Galeano, Cesar Hidalgo.
Medida de la robustez de redes de polinizacion a partir del k-shell
Javier Galeano
, Juan Manuel Pastor.
Evolución temporal de la dinámica de poblaciones en redes mutualistas
Javier García-Algarra
, Javier Galeano, Juan Manuel Pastor, José J. Ramasco, José María Iriondo.
Granular fluids driven by stochastic bath with friction
M.G. Chamorro
, F. Vega Reyes, V. Garzó.
Ecuaciones fluctuantes de Navier-Stokes para esferas y discos duros inelásticos
M.I. Garcia de Soria
, J.J. Brey, P. Maynar.
Structure and Thermodynamics of Curved Interfaces
Jose M. G. Palanco
, Victor H. Elvira, Luis G. MacDowell.
Unzipping DNA at controlled force
Adan Garriga
, Josep Maria Huguet; Fèlix Ritort.
Logical Operations with Localized Structures
Damia Gomila
, Adrian Jacobo, Manuel A. Matias, Pere Colet.
Patterns and Domain Walls in Generalized Swift-Hohenberg Dynamics
Damià Gomila
, Daniel Walgraef, Pere Colet, Thorten Ackemann.
Técnicas numéricas para el estudio del mecanismo de nucleación de burbujas de vapor bajo presiones negativas.
Miguel Angel Gonzalez
, Juan L. Aragones, Chantal Valeriani, Jose Luis F. Abascal.
A two-component mixture of Janus-like anisotropic sticky hard spheres
Miguel Ángel G. Maestre
, Andrés Santos.
Simulación del diagrama de fases y autoensamblado de partículas coloidales anisótropasde p
Eva G Noya
, Gunther Doppelbauer, Emanuela Bianchi, Gerhard Kahl.
2D liquid crystal confined in a square cavity
Miguel González Pinto
, Yuri Martínez-Ratón, Enrique Velasco.
Hierarchical screening of topological scales in complex networks
Clara Granell
, Sergio Gómez, Alex Arenas.
Universal reciprocal behavior in iterated prisoner's dilemmas: Three is a crowd
Jelena Grujic
, Burçu Eke, Antonio Cabrales, José A. Cuesta, Angel Sánchez.
On the Morphology of Turing Instability under Microscopic Transport
Jacobo Guiu-Souto
, Jorge Carballido-Landeira, Alberto P. Muñuzuri.
Statistical Analysis of Investors’ Behaviour: Different Temporal Scales
Mario Gutiérrez-Roig
, Josep Perelló.
Predicting effects of structural stress in a genome-reduced model bacterial metabolism
Oriol Güell
, Francesc Sagués, M. Ángeles Serrano.
Neutron diffraction and computer simulation studies on the plastic phase of C2Cl6
Andrés Henao
, Muriel Rovira-Esteva, Szilvia Pothoczki, Gabriel Cuello, Elvira Guardia, Luis Carlos Pardo.
Biological production and plankton dynamics in a turbulent ocean upwelling system
E. Hernandez-Garcia
, I. Hernandez-Carrasco, V. Rossi, V. Garcon, C. Lopez.
Stochastic Amplification of Fluctuations in Neural Networks
Jorge Hidalgo
, Luís F. Seoane, Jesús M. Cortés, Miguel Á. Muñoz.
Mixing and transport in chaotic flows analyzed with Lagrangian coherent structures
Florian Huhn
, Alexandra von Kameke, Vicente Pérez-Muñuzuri.
Robust Short-Term Memory without Synaptic Learning
Sam Johnson
, J. Marro, Joaquín J. Torres.
Threshold phenomenon in the Countdown game
Lucas Lacasa
, Bartolo Luque.
Collective effects of heterogeneity and stochasticity in interacting particle systems
Luis F. Lafuerza
, Raul Toral.
Large Fluctuations of the Dissipated Energy in a Simple Model System
Antonio Lasanta Becerra
, Antonio Prados, Pablo I. Hurtado.
Magnetoasymmetric transport in a quantum dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometer
Jong Soo Lim
, David Sanchez, Rosa Lopez.
Lagrangian Coherent Structures in three-dimensional flows
Cristóbal López
, Joao B. Bettencourt, Emilio Hernández-García.
La Estabilidad de los Arcos en un Medio Granular
Celia Lozano
, Iker Zuriguel, Angel Garcimartín, Geoffroy Lumay.
Spatial correlation of concentration fluctuations in reaction diffusion problems by the Gillespie algorithm
Jorge Luis Hita
, José María Ortiz de Zárate.
Power Laws and Scaling in the Waiting Time Distribution of Speech
Jordi Luque
, Lucas Lacasa, Bartolo Luque.
Signal integration shapes the dynamics of neuronal networks
Leonardo L. Gollo
, Claudio Mirasso, Víctor M. Eguíluz.
A non local spatial model for savannas
Ricardo Martinez Garcia
, Cristobal Lopez.
A long range interaction model for foragers.
Ricardo Martinez Garcia
, Cristobal Lopez, Justin M. Calabrese.
A Complex Network Model for Mild Cognitive Impairment Subject Characterization
Johann Heinz Martínez Huartos
, Javier M Buldú, Massimiliano Zanin, Juan Manuel Pastor.
Synchronization in delayed mutually coupled optoelectronic oscillators
Jade Martínez-Llinàs
, Pere Colet.
Calculation of surface tension in a confined hard cut spheres liquid crystal using Monte Carlo simulation
Manuel M Piñeiro
, Martín Pérez-Rodríguez.
Efecto de la polidispersidad y asimetría de partículas oblatas en los diagramas de fases de emulsiones coloidales
Yuri Martínez Ratón
, Enrique Velasco.
Universal reference state in a driven homogeneous granular gas
Pablo Maynar
, María Isabel García de Soria, Emmanuel Trizac.
Sobre el oscilador logarítmico como termostato
Marc Meléndez Schofield
El intercambio de energía entre sistemas hamiltonianos desde la teoría del coarse-graining
Marc Meléndez Schofield
, Pep Español Garrigós.
The evolution of communication ties
Giovanna Miritello
, Rubén Lara, Esteban Moro.
Stability of Boolean Multiplex Networks
Yamir Moreno
, Emanuele Cozzo, Alex Arenas.
Simulación multiescala de la formacion de patrones por irradiación
Ana Moreno Barrado
, Mario Castro Ponce.
Rare region effects in hierarchical networks
Paolo Moretti
, Miguel Angel Munoz.
Pattern formation of nitrogen fixing cells in filamentous cyanobacteria
Javier Muñoz-García
, Saúl Ares.
Microscopic tip fluctuations drive the morphology of macroscopic Fisher fronts
Svetozar Nesic
, Rodolfo Cuerno, Esteban Moro.
A reaction-diffusion system to model symmetry-breaking in the C. elegans worm
Ernesto M. Nicola
, N.W. Goehring, P. Khuc Trong, J.S. Bois, D. Chowdhury, A.A. Hyman, S.W. Grill.
Image Analysis of the Cavitation Process in Pressure Sensitive Adhesives
Matteo Nicoli
, François Tanguy, Costantino Creton.
Classical force fields for water from density functional theory based molecular dynamics simulations and force matching algorithm
Paolo Nicolini
, Jonàs Sala, Marco Masia, Elvira Guàrdia.
Quasiperiodic graphs: structural design, scaling and entropic properties
Bartolome Luque
, Ángel M. Núñez, José Patricio Gómez.
The role of hydrolysis kinetics on the collective performance of single-headed kinesins
David Oriola
, Jaume Casademunt.
Spatio-temporal dynamics of cellular decision making
David Palau-Ortin
, Pau Formosa-Jordan, José María Sancho, Marta Ibañes.
Effects of a defect and drift on dissipative solitons
Pedro Parra Rivas
, Damià Gomila, M.A.Matias, Pere Colet.
Modelling the Self-Assembly of a Model Cationic Surfactant by Lattice Monte Carlo Simulations
Alessandro Patti
, Conxita Solans, Javier Burgos.
Self-pulsations, excitability and polarized rogue waves induced by orthogonal optical injection in Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers
Pablo Pérez
, Luis Pesquera, Ángel Valle.
Dopant segregation in semiconductor crystal growth due to stochastic g-jitter in microgravity
L. Ramírez-Piscina
, X. Ruiz, P. Bitlloch, J. Casademunt.
Resolución de problemas de coherencia mediante redes de consenso
Miguel Rebollo
Single molecule derivation of base pair free energies in DNA and RNA
M. Ribezzi-Crivellari
, C.V. Bizarro, J.M Huguet, F.Ritort.
Fluctuation Relations and Entropy production in a Dual Trap Optical Tweezers Setup
Marco Ribezzi-Crivellari
, Felix Ritort.
Estudio del efecto de la temperatura, presión y tipo de catión sobre la estructura flexible de la zeolita RHO mediante técnicas de simulación molecular
Salvador Rodríguez Gómez
, Juan José Gutiérrez Sevillano, Sofía Calero Díaz.
Effects of topology on the one-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class
Javier Rodríguez-Laguna
, Silvia N. Santalla, Rodolfo Cuerno.
Viscoelastic properties of vesicles
Guillermo R. Lázaro
, Aurora Hernández-Machado, Ignacio Pagonabarraga.
Entropía negativa entre esferas metáticas debida al efecto Casimir
Pablo Rodriguez-Lopez
Amplitude death in globally coupled chaotic systems with delay
V. M. Rodriguez
, M. G. Cosenza.
La corriente promedio en los "rocking ratchets"
Niurka Rodríguez Quintero
, Jose A. Cuesta, Renato Alvarez-Nodarse.
Estudio de simulación por ordenador de líquidos iónicos en las cercanías de la transición vítrea
Álvaro Rodríguez Rivas
, José Manuel Romero Enrique, Luis F. Rull.
Modeling dynamics of pluripotency in ES cells
Pau Rué
, Silvia Muñoz-Descalzo, Fernando Faunes, Alfonso Martinez-Arias, Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo.
Accelerometric nonlinearities in the International Space Station, ISS
Xavier Ruiz
, Nuria Saez, Josefina Gavaldà.
Synchronization of moving integrate and fire oscillators with a minimal interaction rule
Oleguer Sagarra
, Luce Prignano, Albert Diaz-Guilera.
A new Percus-Yevick equation of state for hard spheres, as derived from the chemical-potential route
Andrés Santos
Impact of roughness on the entropy of a granular gas in the homogeneous cooling state
Andrés Santos
, Gilberto M. Kremer.
Self-organized beat of cilia through the non-equilibrium dynamics of ratchets
Pablo Sartori
, V. Geyer, J. Howard, F. Juelicher.
Inhibitory Synaptic Conductances Mediate Transition From Delayed Synchronization to Anticipated Synchronization Between Neuronal Populations
Fernanda S. Matias
, Leonardo L. Gollo, Pedro V. Carelli, Mauro Copelli, Claudio R. Mirasso.
Modeling of the mechanical response of solid semicrystalline polymers
Maria Serral Serra
, Josep Bonet Avalos.
Defibrillation mechanisms on a one-dimensional ring
A. Simic
, J. Bragard, E. M. Cherry, F. H. Fenton, N. Otani.
Random walks on temporal networks
Michele Starnini
, Alain Barrat, Andrea Baronchelli, Romualdo Pastor .
Transporte y difusión anómalos de partículas Brownianas en superfícies desordenadas
Marc Suñé Simon
, José María Sancho Herrero, Ana Lacasta.
Experiments on Clustered Neuronal Networks
Sara Teller
, Jordi Soriano.
Assessing Neuronal Connectivity in Cortical Cultures from Calcium Imaging Signals
Elisenda Tibau
, Jordi Soriano.
Role of delay in the stochastic birth and death process.
Raul Toral
, Luis F. Lafuerza.
Study of Fluid Interfaces in Microfluidics
Claudia Trejo Soto
, Ivón Rodríguez Villareal, Aurora Hernández Machado.
Grid computing for statistical and non-linear physics
Antònia Tugores
, Pere Colet.
Modeling information diffusion from empirical data
Paula Tuzón
, José J. Ramasco, Víctor M. Eguíluz, Maxi San Miguel.
Thermodynamic properties and cavitation mechanism of water at negative pressure
Chantal Valeriani
, M.A.Gonzales, J.L.Aragones, J.L.F.Abascal.
Computer simulation of a 2D liquid crystal confined in a circular cavity
E. Velasco
, D. de las Heras.
Uso de líquidos iónicos a temperatura ambiente en estructuras metalorgánicas cristalinas para almacenamiento y separación de dióxido de carbono
José Manuel Vicent Luna
, Juan José Gutiérrez Sevillano, Juan Antonio Anta Montalvo, Sofía Calero Díaz.
Influence of topology in neural networks dynamics
Paula Villa Martín
, Miguel A. Muñoz.
On the irrationality of consensus in heterogeneous networks
Daniele Vilone
, J. Ramasco, A. Sánchez, M. San Miguel.
Strong anisotropy in surface kinetic roughening: theory and experiments
Edoardo Vivo
, Matteo Nicoli, Rodolfo Cuerno.
Noise Induced Phase Transitions and Coupled Brownian Motors: Non Standard Hysteretic Cycles
Horacio S. Wio
Robustness of self-sustained oscillations in complex networks
Antonio Yáñez Santamaría
, Alexandra von Kameke, Alberto Pérez Muñuzuri.
Synchronization and quantum correlations in networks
R. Zambrini
, G. Manzano, G. Giorfi, F. Galve, P.Colet, E. Hernández-García.
Synchronization transitions in a growing complex network of Stuart-Landau oscillators
Jordi Zamora-Munt
, Manuel A. Matias, Pere Colet.
Página actualizada el: 2011-11-24 17:55:49
2012 © FisEs '12