XVIII Congreso de Física Estadística
Palma, Mallorca. 18-20 de octubre de 2012

A continuación se muestra la lista de paneles admitidos, ordenados alfabéticamente por apellidos del primer autor:

  1. Modeling dynamical T-cell cross-regulation in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
    Elena Abad, Sara M. Pasamar, Nieves de Mendizábal, Pablo Villoslada y Jordi García-Ojalvo.

  2. Flocking and coherence emergence on active particle suspensions.
    Francisco Alarcón Oseguera, Ignacio Pagonabarraga Mora.

  3. A phase-field approach to actin-based motility of lamellar fragments
    Sérgio A. Lira, Carles Blanch-Mercader, Jaume Casademunt.

  4. Experimental free energy measurements of kinetic molecular states using fluctuation theorems
    Anna Alemany, Alessandro Mossa, Ivan Junier, Felix Ritort.

  5. Transition State Susceptibility in Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy
    Anna Alemany, Felix Ritort.

  6. El efecto ratchet en la partícula relativista
    Renato Alvarez-Nodarse, Jose A. Cuesta, N. R. Quintero.

  7. Modelo con retardo temporal para la infección por Hantavirus
    José María Aparicio Reinoso, Javier de la Rubia.

  8. Ordinal time-series analysis of low-frequency fluctuations in semiconductor lasers with optical feedback
    Andrés Aragoneses Aguado, Nicolás Rubido, Taciano sorrentino, Maria Carme Torrent, Cristina Masoller.

  9. Collective modes of coupled phase oscillators with delayed coupling
    Saúl Ares, Luis G. Morelli, David J. Jörg, Andrew C. Oates, Frank Jülicher.

  10. Optimal oscillator mobility for synchronization arising from the gradual recovery of oscillator coupling
    Saúl Ares, Koichiro Uriu, Andrew C. Oates, Luis G. Morelli.

  11. Estados hidrodinámicos no estacionarios en el flujo longitudinal uniforme de un gas granular. Cumulantes y función de distribución
    Antonio Astillero, Andrés Santos.

  12. Avalanches in the 3D-Gaussian Random Field Ising Model
    Jordi Baró, Eduard Vives.

  13. Structure and fluctuations of adsorbed liquid films closed to a first order wetting transition
    Jorge Benet, Luis G. MacDowell, Eva M. Fernández, Enrique Chacón, Pedro Tarazona.

  14. Collective migration of cells in spreading epithelia
    Carles Blanch-Mercader, Jaume Casademunt.

  15. Free energy calculations of molecular inclusions in short capped nanotubes: Targeted molecular Dynamics and Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Calculations
    C. Bores, E. Lomba, H. Dodzyuk, T. Korona.

  16. Theoretical study of the H-NMR relaxation times in aqueous ionic solutions
    Carles Calero, Elvira Guàrdia, Jordi Martí.

  17. Force Fields Parametrization of Ion-Water Interactions via the Force Matching Algorithm
    Ausias-March Calvo, Marco Masia, Elvira Guàrdia.

  18. Affinity measurements of ligands binding nucleic acids using fluctuation theorems
    J. Camunas-Soler, A. Alemany, I. Tinoco Jr., F. Ritort.

  19. Unraveling the kinetics of aggregation of single peptide-DNA complexes using force spectroscopy
    J. Camunas-Soler, S. Frutos, C.V. Bizarro, S. de Lorenzo,M.E. Fuentes-Perez, R. Ramsch, S. Vilchez, C. Solans, F. Moreno-Herrero, F. Albericio, R. Eritja, E. Giralt, S.B. Dev, F. Ritort.

  20. Estocasticidad y exclusión competitiva en comunidades ecológicas
    José A. Capitán, Sara Cuenda, José A. Cuesta, David Alonso.

  21. The role of noise and initial conditions in the asymptotic solution of a continuous opinion dynamics model
    Adrián Carro, Raúl Toral, Maxi San Miguel.

  22. Stochastic resonance and diversity in an agent-based herding model
    Adrián Carro, Raúl Toral, Maxi San Miguel.

  23. Shape and motility of actin fragments
    Jaume Casademunt, Carles Blanch-Mercader.

  24. Phase diagram of a single magnetic filament in bulk, an approach via numerical simulations and theory.
    Joan J. Cerdà, Pedro A. Sànchez, Tomas Sintes.

  25. Compressible cell gas models and Yang-Yang critical anomalies
    Claudio A. Cerdeiriña, Gerassimos Orkoulas, Michael E. Fisher.

  26. Statisical features of the global velocity of imbibition fronts in disordered media
    Xavier Clotet, Stéphane Santucci, Jordi Ortín.

  27. Adler synchronization of spatial laser solitons pinned by defects
    Pere Colet, P.V. Paulau, C. McIntyre, Y. Noblet, N. Radwell, W.J. Firth, T. Ackemann, G.-L. Oppo.

  28. Phase Noise Performance of Double-Loop Optoelectronic Microwave Oscillators
    Pere Colet, Romain Modeste Nguimdo, Yanne K. Chembo, Laurent Larger .

  29. Clustering of random scale-free networks
    Pol Colomer de Simón, Marián Boguñá.

  30. Delay identification in semiconductor lasers with optical feedback
    Miguel C. Soriano, Romain Modeste Nguimdo, Pere Colet.

  31. Brownian dynamics and dynamic Monte Carlo simulations of isotropic and liquid crystal phases of anisotropic colloidal particles: a comparative study
    Alejandro Cuetos, Alessandro Patti.

  32. Spatiotemporal Bounded Noises in the Ginzburg-Landau model
    Sebastiano de Franciscis, Alberto d'Onofrio.

  33. Métodos de discretización para ecuaciones fluctuantes
    J. A. de la Torre, P. Español, D. Duque.

  34. Unified model for thermal transport in bulk, thin films and nanowires
    C. de Tomas, A. Cantarero, A. Lopeandia, F.X. Alvarez.

  35. Detecting long-range teleconnections in the climate network via ordinal pattern time-series analysis
    Juan Ignacio Deza, Marcelo Barreiro, Cristina Masoller.

  36. Cosecha de energía de espectro amplio con osciladores alineales monoestables: mejora con potenciales de paredes finitas y ruidos tipo Lévy
    Roberto R. Deza, J. Ignacio Deza, Horacio S. Wio.

  37. Los parámetros mecánicos de la Membrana controlan la Fisión mediada por Dinamina
    Luis Dinis, S.Morlot, V.Galli, M.Klein, J.Manzi, F.Humbert,M.Lenz, G.Capello, A.Roux.

  38. Colapso gravitatorio y descomposición espinodal: ¿es lo mismo?
    Alvaro Domínguez.

  39. The meaning of niche: Cause or consequence of food-web structure?
    Virginia Domínguez-García, Sam Johnson, Miguel A. Muñoz.

  40. Nonlinear methods in modified gravities and the corresponding cosmologies
    Emilio Elizalde.

  41. Modeling the interaction of DNA with Terahertz fields
    Fernando Falo, Jesús Bergues, Ana Elisa Bergues-Pupo.

  42. Trees as representation of human-like adaptive systems
    Miguel Angel Fernandez, Hector Corte, Elka Korutcheva.

  43. Interdependent choices, individual preferences and social influence
    Ana Fernández del Río, Elka Korutcheva, Javier de la Rubia.

  44. Characterization of delay propagation in the airport network
    P Fleurquin, J.J Ramasco, V M. Eguiluz, M. San Miguel.

  45. Mercados Internacionales de Comercio: una analogía con las redes mutualistas
    Maximiliano Fernández, Javier Galeano, Cesar Hidalgo.

  46. Medida de la robustez de redes de polinizacion a partir del k-shell
    Javier Galeano, Juan Manuel Pastor.

  47. Evolución temporal de la dinámica de poblaciones en redes mutualistas
    Javier García-Algarra, Javier Galeano, Juan Manuel Pastor, José J. Ramasco, José María Iriondo.

  48. Granular fluids driven by stochastic bath with friction
    M.G. Chamorro, F. Vega Reyes, V. Garzó.

  49. Ecuaciones fluctuantes de Navier-Stokes para esferas y discos duros inelásticos
    M.I. Garcia de Soria, J.J. Brey, P. Maynar.

  50. Structure and Thermodynamics of Curved Interfaces
    Jose M. G. Palanco, Victor H. Elvira, Luis G. MacDowell.

  51. Unzipping DNA at controlled force
    Adan Garriga, Josep Maria Huguet; Fèlix Ritort.

  52. Logical Operations with Localized Structures
    Damia Gomila, Adrian Jacobo, Manuel A. Matias, Pere Colet.

  53. Patterns and Domain Walls in Generalized Swift-Hohenberg Dynamics
    Damià Gomila, Daniel Walgraef, Pere Colet, Thorten Ackemann.

  54. Técnicas numéricas para el estudio del mecanismo de nucleación de burbujas de vapor bajo presiones negativas.
    Miguel Angel Gonzalez , Juan L. Aragones, Chantal Valeriani, Jose Luis F. Abascal.

  55. A two-component mixture of Janus-like anisotropic sticky hard spheres
    Miguel Ángel G. Maestre, Andrés Santos.

  56. Simulación del diagrama de fases y autoensamblado de partículas coloidales anisótropasde p
    Eva G Noya, Gunther Doppelbauer, Emanuela Bianchi, Gerhard Kahl.

  57. 2D liquid crystal confined in a square cavity
    Miguel González Pinto, Yuri Martínez-Ratón, Enrique Velasco.

  58. Hierarchical screening of topological scales in complex networks
    Clara Granell, Sergio Gómez, Alex Arenas.

  59. Universal reciprocal behavior in iterated prisoner's dilemmas: Three is a crowd
    Jelena Grujic, Burçu Eke, Antonio Cabrales, José A. Cuesta, Angel Sánchez.

  60. On the Morphology of Turing Instability under Microscopic Transport
    Jacobo Guiu-Souto, Jorge Carballido-Landeira, Alberto P. Muñuzuri.

  61. Statistical Analysis of Investors’ Behaviour: Different Temporal Scales
    Mario Gutiérrez-Roig, Josep Perelló.

  62. Predicting effects of structural stress in a genome-reduced model bacterial metabolism
    Oriol Güell, Francesc Sagués, M. Ángeles Serrano.

  63. Neutron diffraction and computer simulation studies on the plastic phase of C2Cl6
    Andrés Henao, Muriel Rovira-Esteva, Szilvia Pothoczki, Gabriel Cuello, Elvira Guardia, Luis Carlos Pardo.

  64. Biological production and plankton dynamics in a turbulent ocean upwelling system
    E. Hernandez-Garcia, I. Hernandez-Carrasco, V. Rossi, V. Garcon, C. Lopez.

  65. Stochastic Amplification of Fluctuations in Neural Networks
    Jorge Hidalgo, Luís F. Seoane, Jesús M. Cortés, Miguel Á. Muñoz.

  66. Mixing and transport in chaotic flows analyzed with Lagrangian coherent structures
    Florian Huhn, Alexandra von Kameke, Vicente Pérez-Muñuzuri.

  67. Robust Short-Term Memory without Synaptic Learning
    Sam Johnson, J. Marro, Joaquín J. Torres.

  68. Threshold phenomenon in the Countdown game
    Lucas Lacasa, Bartolo Luque.

  69. Collective effects of heterogeneity and stochasticity in interacting particle systems
    Luis F. Lafuerza, Raul Toral.

  70. Large Fluctuations of the Dissipated Energy in a Simple Model System
    Antonio Lasanta Becerra, Antonio Prados, Pablo I. Hurtado.

  71. Magnetoasymmetric transport in a quantum dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometer
    Jong Soo Lim, David Sanchez, Rosa Lopez.

  72. Lagrangian Coherent Structures in three-dimensional flows
    Cristóbal López, Joao B. Bettencourt, Emilio Hernández-García.

  73. La Estabilidad de los Arcos en un Medio Granular
    Celia Lozano, Iker Zuriguel, Angel Garcimartín, Geoffroy Lumay.

  74. Spatial correlation of concentration fluctuations in reaction diffusion problems by the Gillespie algorithm
    Jorge Luis Hita, José María Ortiz de Zárate.

  75. Power Laws and Scaling in the Waiting Time Distribution of Speech
    Jordi Luque, Lucas Lacasa, Bartolo Luque.

  76. Signal integration shapes the dynamics of neuronal networks
    Leonardo L. Gollo, Claudio Mirasso, Víctor M. Eguíluz.

  77. A non local spatial model for savannas
    Ricardo Martinez Garcia, Cristobal Lopez.

  78. A long range interaction model for foragers.
    Ricardo Martinez Garcia, Cristobal Lopez, Justin M. Calabrese.

  79. A Complex Network Model for Mild Cognitive Impairment Subject Characterization
    Johann Heinz Martínez Huartos, Javier M Buldú, Massimiliano Zanin, Juan Manuel Pastor.

  80. Synchronization in delayed mutually coupled optoelectronic oscillators
    Jade Martínez-Llinàs, Pere Colet.

  81. Calculation of surface tension in a confined hard cut spheres liquid crystal using Monte Carlo simulation
    Manuel M Piñeiro, Martín Pérez-Rodríguez.

  82. Efecto de la polidispersidad y asimetría de partículas oblatas en los diagramas de fases de emulsiones coloidales
    Yuri Martínez Ratón, Enrique Velasco.

  83. Universal reference state in a driven homogeneous granular gas
    Pablo Maynar, María Isabel García de Soria, Emmanuel Trizac.

  84. Sobre el oscilador logarítmico como termostato
    Marc Meléndez Schofield.

  85. El intercambio de energía entre sistemas hamiltonianos desde la teoría del coarse-graining
    Marc Meléndez Schofield, Pep Español Garrigós.

  86. The evolution of communication ties
    Giovanna Miritello, Rubén Lara, Esteban Moro.

  87. Stability of Boolean Multiplex Networks
    Yamir Moreno, Emanuele Cozzo, Alex Arenas.

  88. Simulación multiescala de la formacion de patrones por irradiación
    Ana Moreno Barrado, Mario Castro Ponce.

  89. Rare region effects in hierarchical networks
    Paolo Moretti, Miguel Angel Munoz.

  90. Pattern formation of nitrogen fixing cells in filamentous cyanobacteria
    Javier Muñoz-García, Saúl Ares.

  91. Microscopic tip fluctuations drive the morphology of macroscopic Fisher fronts
    Svetozar Nesic, Rodolfo Cuerno, Esteban Moro.

  92. A reaction-diffusion system to model symmetry-breaking in the C. elegans worm
    Ernesto M. Nicola, N.W. Goehring, P. Khuc Trong, J.S. Bois, D. Chowdhury, A.A. Hyman, S.W. Grill.

  93. Image Analysis of the Cavitation Process in Pressure Sensitive Adhesives
    Matteo Nicoli, François Tanguy, Costantino Creton.

  94. Classical force fields for water from density functional theory based molecular dynamics simulations and force matching algorithm
    Paolo Nicolini, Jonàs Sala, Marco Masia, Elvira Guàrdia.

  95. Quasiperiodic graphs: structural design, scaling and entropic properties
    Bartolome Luque, Ángel M. Núñez, José Patricio Gómez.

  96. The role of hydrolysis kinetics on the collective performance of single-headed kinesins
    David Oriola , Jaume Casademunt.

  97. Spatio-temporal dynamics of cellular decision making
    David Palau-Ortin, Pau Formosa-Jordan, José María Sancho, Marta Ibañes.

  98. Effects of a defect and drift on dissipative solitons
    Pedro Parra Rivas, Damià Gomila, M.A.Matias, Pere Colet.

  99. Modelling the Self-Assembly of a Model Cationic Surfactant by Lattice Monte Carlo Simulations
    Alessandro Patti, Conxita Solans, Javier Burgos.

  100. Self-pulsations, excitability and polarized rogue waves induced by orthogonal optical injection in Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers
    Pablo Pérez, Luis Pesquera, Ángel Valle.

  101. Dopant segregation in semiconductor crystal growth due to stochastic g-jitter in microgravity
    L. Ramírez-Piscina, X. Ruiz, P. Bitlloch, J. Casademunt.

  102. Resolución de problemas de coherencia mediante redes de consenso
    Miguel Rebollo.

  103. Single molecule derivation of base pair free energies in DNA and RNA
    M. Ribezzi-Crivellari, C.V. Bizarro, J.M Huguet, F.Ritort.

  104. Fluctuation Relations and Entropy production in a Dual Trap Optical Tweezers Setup
    Marco Ribezzi-Crivellari, Felix Ritort.

  105. Estudio del efecto de la temperatura, presión y tipo de catión sobre la estructura flexible de la zeolita RHO mediante técnicas de simulación molecular
    Salvador Rodríguez Gómez, Juan José Gutiérrez Sevillano, Sofía Calero Díaz.

  106. Effects of topology on the one-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class
    Javier Rodríguez-Laguna, Silvia N. Santalla, Rodolfo Cuerno.

  107. Viscoelastic properties of vesicles
    Guillermo R. Lázaro, Aurora Hernández-Machado, Ignacio Pagonabarraga.

  108. Entropía negativa entre esferas metáticas debida al efecto Casimir
    Pablo Rodriguez-Lopez.

  109. Amplitude death in globally coupled chaotic systems with delay
    V. M. Rodriguez, M. G. Cosenza.

  110. La corriente promedio en los "rocking ratchets"
    Niurka Rodríguez Quintero, Jose A. Cuesta, Renato Alvarez-Nodarse.

  111. Estudio de simulación por ordenador de líquidos iónicos en las cercanías de la transición vítrea
    Álvaro Rodríguez Rivas, José Manuel Romero Enrique, Luis F. Rull.

  112. Modeling dynamics of pluripotency in ES cells
    Pau Rué, Silvia Muñoz-Descalzo, Fernando Faunes, Alfonso Martinez-Arias, Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo.

  113. Accelerometric nonlinearities in the International Space Station, ISS
    Xavier Ruiz, Nuria Saez, Josefina Gavaldà.

  114. Synchronization of moving integrate and fire oscillators with a minimal interaction rule
    Oleguer Sagarra, Luce Prignano, Albert Diaz-Guilera.

  115. A new Percus-Yevick equation of state for hard spheres, as derived from the chemical-potential route
    Andrés Santos.

  116. Impact of roughness on the entropy of a granular gas in the homogeneous cooling state
    Andrés Santos, Gilberto M. Kremer.

  117. Self-organized beat of cilia through the non-equilibrium dynamics of ratchets
    Pablo Sartori, V. Geyer, J. Howard, F. Juelicher.

  118. Inhibitory Synaptic Conductances Mediate Transition From Delayed Synchronization to Anticipated Synchronization Between Neuronal Populations
    Fernanda S. Matias, Leonardo L. Gollo, Pedro V. Carelli, Mauro Copelli, Claudio R. Mirasso.

  119. Modeling of the mechanical response of solid semicrystalline polymers
    Maria Serral Serra, Josep Bonet Avalos.

  120. Defibrillation mechanisms on a one-dimensional ring
    A. Simic, J. Bragard, E. M. Cherry, F. H. Fenton, N. Otani.

  121. Random walks on temporal networks
    Michele Starnini, Alain Barrat, Andrea Baronchelli, Romualdo Pastor .

  122. Transporte y difusión anómalos de partículas Brownianas en superfícies desordenadas
    Marc Suñé Simon, José María Sancho Herrero, Ana Lacasta.

  123. Experiments on Clustered Neuronal Networks
    Sara Teller, Jordi Soriano.

  124. Assessing Neuronal Connectivity in Cortical Cultures from Calcium Imaging Signals
    Elisenda Tibau, Jordi Soriano.

  125. Role of delay in the stochastic birth and death process.
    Raul Toral, Luis F. Lafuerza.

  126. Study of Fluid Interfaces in Microfluidics
    Claudia Trejo Soto, Ivón Rodríguez Villareal, Aurora Hernández Machado.

  127. Grid computing for statistical and non-linear physics
    Antònia Tugores, Pere Colet.

  128. Modeling information diffusion from empirical data
    Paula Tuzón , José J. Ramasco, Víctor M. Eguíluz, Maxi San Miguel.

  129. Thermodynamic properties and cavitation mechanism of water at negative pressure
    Chantal Valeriani, M.A.Gonzales, J.L.Aragones, J.L.F.Abascal.

  130. Computer simulation of a 2D liquid crystal confined in a circular cavity
    E. Velasco, D. de las Heras.

  131. Uso de líquidos iónicos a temperatura ambiente en estructuras metalorgánicas cristalinas para almacenamiento y separación de dióxido de carbono
    José Manuel Vicent Luna, Juan José Gutiérrez Sevillano, Juan Antonio Anta Montalvo, Sofía Calero Díaz.

  132. Influence of topology in neural networks dynamics
    Paula Villa Martín, Miguel A. Muñoz.

  133. On the irrationality of consensus in heterogeneous networks
    Daniele Vilone, J. Ramasco, A. Sánchez, M. San Miguel.

  134. Strong anisotropy in surface kinetic roughening: theory and experiments
    Edoardo Vivo, Matteo Nicoli, Rodolfo Cuerno.

  135. Noise Induced Phase Transitions and Coupled Brownian Motors: Non Standard Hysteretic Cycles
    Horacio S. Wio.

  136. Robustness of self-sustained oscillations in complex networks
    Antonio Yáñez Santamaría, Alexandra von Kameke, Alberto Pérez Muñuzuri.

  137. Synchronization and quantum correlations in networks
    R. Zambrini, G. Manzano, G. Giorfi, F. Galve, P.Colet, E. Hernández-García.

  138. Synchronization transitions in a growing complex network of Stuart-Landau oscillators
    Jordi Zamora-Munt, Manuel A. Matias, Pere Colet.

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2012 © FisEs '12