Dear Scientist/Conference Organizer, We are pleased to inform you about a new electronic bulletin board for physics conferences, workshops and summer schools. This is part of a new larger service called "The Internet Pilot To Physics", or TIPTOP. TIPTOP is a collaboration between several institutes and learned socities in Europe and North America attracting over 20 000 users per month: your announcement really reaches physicists all over the world. This service is completely free of charge! At the moment there are 180+ meetings announcements. All up-to-date! We also cover interdisciplinary areas! ------------------------ URL: Physics Conferences On-Line ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please note: This is the official EurophysNet upload facility: all | =========== announcements inputted using this facility are added | in to the EPS EurophysNet meetings list which is generated | in collaboration with all the major national physical | socities. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TIPTOP has also a lot more to offer than the conference bulletin board: bulletin boards for jobs, new books, used equipment, on-line encyclopedia of physics, educational software project etc. etc. + listings of physics resources on The Internet. And there are a lot of things to come in the next couple of weeks! Please, go ahead and take a look around! => If you prefer, you can also send the conference info by email, and => we'll add it in the lists. Include at least name of the conference, => dates, deadline for application, description and contact info. ================================================================== | Please circulate this information to your collagues and students! | ================================================================== How does the conference/jobs bulletin board work: ================================================= To submit an announcement you have to register first, the link for that can be found on each page. The reason why you have to register is that this way you'll be able to edit your announcements if you wish. The service itself is absloutely free for all users. After you have registered, you'll receive an email (in about 2 minutes but depending on your connection it may take considerably longer) that gives you your password. You can change the password if you wish. Please note that you can always email us the information to if don't wish to use the electronic bulletin board yourself. When you announce your conference: ---------------------------------- - Go to - Select 'Submit Your Announcement' - If you haven't registrated, plese do do and after that fill in the required fields - It is important that you give the deadline for applications correctly since the server removes the entry automatically when the deadline is over. This way the lists remain always - After you have completed and submitted the form your entry appears in the list. You can edit the entry by selecting 'edit'. You can only edit your own entries. - That's it! URL of the Conference Server: The home page of the Internet Pilot to Physics is at URL: Should you have any questions, or if you experience any problems with this server, please let us know. With Best Regards, Mikko Karttunen (McGill University, Canada) Kenneth Holmlund (Umea University, Sweden) Guenther Nowotny (TU Vienna, Austria) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INTERNET PILOT TO PHYSICS Email: URL: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------End of Unsent Message